2019 in review

As it has been a while since we last wrote a blog, I thought we would try and jam it all in here to review the last 12 months.
First of all thank you to those that have joined us on this digital journey of social media, a website and a blog. 2019 saw the launch of seatonfarms.com and also the growth of our social media presence. We have really enjoyed nurturing the growth and have connected with some really exciting people and businesses as a result.
2019 also saw the arrival of our daughter and the main reason for the lack of blog activity. She did however manage to make her Shropshire Agricultural Show debut at only 12 days old. Where as previously reported, Ed had a brilliant day with his team which really made the trip worthwhile.
Later in the year, work really got underway preparing calves, cows and handlers for Newport Show. This show as I have said before really is the highlight of our year where showing is concerned. It is a one day show in the heart of Shropshire. There is always a top quality livestock, it is friendly and most of all sociable. We have had a couple of good years in the show ring here but really, the most anticipated moment is watching the next generation taking to the helm and carrying out all of the show prep then entering the ring.
We also welcomed a visit from the Derbyshire Holstein club. If the world of breeding pedigree cows does nothing else, it makes you realise what a wonderful set of people you have encountered through the journey.
In October, we made a holiday of the All Britain, All Breeds calf show. Ed has many a fond, if a little cloudy memory from his time as a HYB member attending ABAB.
As with every year June saw us welcome the Shropshire Holstein Club judge for the annual herds competition. This year was judged by Andrew Jones (Rosset) and the results of which will be revealed at the annual dinner on 24th January.
Wishing you all a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR and we can’t wait to keep you up to date on this year’s journey.